
Concurrent Penile Traction Therapy In Men Undergoing Collagenase Clostridium Histolyticum for Peyronie’s Disease

Abstract: PD31-07
Sources of Funding: None


The impact of penile traction therapy (PTT) in conjunction with Collagenase clostridium histolyticum (CCH) has not been reported. Here we sought to evaluate outcomes in patients performing PTT concurrently with CCH.


A prospective database was maintained for all patients treated with CCH between March 2014 and July 2016. All patients were instructed to perform PTT with the Andropenis® (Andromedical America-Asia; New York) for a minimum of three hours daily. Patient-reported PTT use was collected with each injection series. Final curve assessments were performed after completing the therapy. We retrospectively reviewed data on all patients who completed CCH, and statistical analysis was performed to evaluate outcomes based on use, frequency, and duration of PTT.


51 patients who completed CCH had complete data available. Mean (SD) baseline curve was 660 (25.0), and mean (SD) improvement post-CCH was 210 (17) degrees (p<0.0001). 35 (69%) men reported PTT use for a mean (SD) 10 (6) hours per week. No significant difference in curve improvement was identified based on utilization of PTT (200 with PTT versus 240 without, p=0.30). Similarly, there was no difference based on frequency or duration of PTT (Figure 1, p=0.60). No associations were identified between PTT and functional outcomes including intercourse restoration and surgery prevention were identified. SPL increased non-significantly by a mean (SD) of +0.4 (2) cm in the PTT group, compared with -0.3 (2) in the non-PTT group (p=0.21). Importantly, PTT use declined in both frequency and duration with subsequent injection series.


PTT utilization with the Andropenis® declined in both frequency and duration with subsequent injection series. There was no significant difference in curve improvement with a mean 10 hours of weekly concurrent PTT. While not statistically significant, there was a trend towards increased SPL with PTT. The current series represents a “true to life” experience, wherein utilization patterns, attrition, and compliance issues are relevant factors impacting efficacy.



Matthew Ziegelmann
Boyd Viers
Brian Montgomery
Joshua Savage
Landon Trost
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