
Chemical Castration Decreased the Risk of Dementia in Patient with Prostate Cancer - From 13368 patients, Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database

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Sources of Funding: none


To investigate the association between the use of androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) and the subsequent risk of dementia in Asian men with prostate cancer (PC) by employing a population-based dataset.


We retrieved the study sample from the Taiwan National Health Insurance (NHI) Database. The cohort included 6684 patients with PC who had received ADT as the study group, whereas 6684 patients with PC who had not received ADT served as the comparison group. The men were newly diagnosed between 2000 and 2008. Each ADT user was randomly frequency-matched for age and the year of index date with one non-ADT user. The Cox proportional hazards regression model was used to estimate the relative risks of dementia after adjusting for age, index year, cerebrovascular disease, parkinson's disease, head injury and other comorbidities.


Among 13368 men with prostate cancer, there was a statistically significant negative association between use of ADT and risk of dementia (hazard ratio (HR), 0.79; 95% CI, 0.70-0.90; p < .001). Age-stratified analysis demonstrated that the adjusted hazard ratio of dementia was particularly lower in individuals aged above 75 years (p <0.05) and between 65-69 years (p <0.05). Chemical castration has a lower risk of subsequent dementia compared to those who had not received ADT (HR, 0.77; 95% CI, 0.69-0.89; p < .001). However, surgical castration showed no correlation with developing dementia. Those who have ADT duration more than 180 days is associated a lower risk of dementia than those have ADT duration less than 180 days.


We concluded that chemical castration is associated with a lower risk of dementia. Longer ADT duration and age above 75 years are associated with even lower risk of dementia.



Chieh-Chun Liao
Jian-Hua Hong
Yu-Chuan Lu
Chao-Yuan Huang
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