
Studying the effect of Diabetes Mellitus type 2 on prostate related parameters: A prospective single institutional study.

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Sources of Funding: none


Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a serious culprit of male health. A positive association exists between clinical markers of BPH and DM. The aim of this work is to examine the effects of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) on the variables associated with prostatic growth including serum PSA, serum testosterone and prostate volume and to correlate these variables with the duration of diabetic treatment.


Our study was conducted over 3 months recruiting 501 men aged 55 years old or more, of which 207 patients had type 2 DM. Exclusion criteria were active urinary tract infection, suspicious rectal examination, urologic cancers, end organ damage and recent urologic manipulations. Serum PSA and serum testosterone were measured. Prostate volume was determined by abdominal ultrasonography using ellipsoid formula. This study was approved by the ethical committee and informed consents were obtained from participating patients.


The mean patient age was 60.21 ± 5.95 years. The mean PSA, Testosterone and prostate volume for diabetic men were 2.3 ng/ ml, 3 ng/ ml and 56 grams respectively. These were 3.5 ng/ ml, 4 ng/ ml and 51 grams respectively for non-diabetics. (p 0.001, p 0.001, p 0.03 respectively). The mean PSA density was 0.049 ± 0.043 ng/ml/cm3 in diabetics versus 0.080 ± 0.056 ng/ml/cm3 in non-diabetics (p<0.001). As high BMI in diabetic patients was a confounding factor, multiple regression analysis was done (table 1), confirming the true significant correlation of DM with the studied parameters.


Type 2 D.M is significantly associated with lower serum PSA, Testosterone and larger prostate volume.



Ahmed Elabbady
Mohamed Mohieeldin Hashad
Ahmed Kotb
Ali Ghanem
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