
Sildenafil for treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasia

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Sources of Funding: none


A growing body of evidence demonstrates a relationship between lower urinary tract symptoms secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasia (LUTS/BPH) and erectile dysfunction (ED). This has led to the introduction of new combination treatments for LUTS/BPH whether accompanied by ED or not. Our aim was to evaluate and compare the therapeutic effect of sildenafil and tamsulosin either as single agents or combined on LUTS/BPH and ED.


We conducted a prospective randomized comparative study on 150 patients with LUTS/ BPH. They were categorized into three groups (groups A, B and C), each comprising 50 patients. These groups were comparable regarding pretreatment international prostate symptom score (IPSS) and international index of erectile function (IIEF). Group A was administered daily tamsulosin 0.4 mg as monotherapy. Group B received only sildenafil 25mg twice daily while patients of group C were given the combination of both. Parameters for comparison between pre and post treatment included IPSS, IIEF, uroflowmetry and post voiding residual volume (PVRV) at each visit (pretreatment, 4 and 16 weeks posttreatment).


Sildenafil administered alone caused mild improvement in IPSS, flow rate and PVRV but more improvement in IIEF. Tamsulosin solely caused more improvement in IPSS, flow rate and PVRV with less improvement in IIEF score. A combination of both improved all of the parameters opposed to when each drug was used alone.


We have concluded that either tamsulosin or sidenafil as sole treatments may be used in treating mild or mild to moderate LUTS. However, more severe LUTS may benefit from a combination of both drugs. Moreover, our findings may indirectly verify the relationship between LUTS/ BPH and ED.



Ahmed M. Ragheb
Mahmoud M. Arafa
Ayman S. Moussa
Amr M. Massoud
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